Axial Piston Fixed A2FO

Before starting project planning, please refer to our data sheets RE 90220 (mineral oil), RE 90221 (environmentally acceptable hydraulic fluids), RE 90222 (HFD hydraulic fluids) and RE 90223 (HFA, HFB, HFC hydraulic fluids) for detailed information regarding the choice of hydraulic fluid and application conditions.

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The fixed pump A2FO is not suitable for operation with HFA hydraulic fluid. If HFB, HFC or HFD or environmentally accept-able hydraulic fluids are used, the limitations regarding technical data or other seals must be observed.

Details regarding the choice of hydraulic fluid :
The correct choice of hydraulic fluid requires knowledge of the operating temperature in relation to the ambient temperature: in an open circuit, the reservoir temperature. The hydraulic fluid should be chosen so that the operating viscosity in the operating temperature range is within the optimum range (νopt see shaded area of the selection diagram). We recommended that the higher viscosity class be selected in each case.

Example : At an ambient temperature of X°C, an operating temperature of 60°C is set in the circuit. In the optimum operating viscosity range (Vopt., shaded area), this corresponds to the viscosity classes VG 46 or VG 68; to be selected: VG 68.

Note : The case drain temperature, which is affected by pressure and speed, can be higher than the reservoir temperature. At no point of the component may the temperature be higher than 115 °C. The temperature difference specified below is to be taken into account when determining the viscosity in the bear-ing. If the above conditions cannot be maintained due to extreme operating parameters, we recommend flushing the case at port U (sizes 250 to 1000).